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LDL-C/ What's in your bloodstream?
Well, for the very few of you who have subscribed…
Welcome to the first broadcast.
I don’t think these will come daily for now, but they might…
Anyways, I am at about the85-90% complete stage for my first article/page:
Atherosclerosis - Plaque in Arteries
I think you will find that what I am doing there is much more of a sort of ‘data-log’ of my thoughts as I go through looking into a subject with a good dose of arrogance and jumping to conclusions (I gotta get my exercise somehow…)
Anyways, the first article/page is about atherosclerosis because, it seems, all roads in the diabetes, diet, health world lead to heart disease as the number one cause of death.
I figured that zero-ing in on plaque formation, figuring out how it starts, and what that process is would allow me to do a bit of preventative living…
Some background- I firmly believe, after 30+ years in the nuclear power world, that in order to do a proper root cause analysis- you need to know the mechanism.
If you don’t know ‘what was supposed to happen’, how could you ever discern what went wrong?
I’ve been bothered a lot about the whole ‘saturated fat causes CVD’ argument and this article/paper digs pretty hard into that…
Especially from the angle of this question:
“What is the plausible mechanism whereby ‘high’ LDL-C, on its own, *causes plaques to form”
By the way- little did I know that asking this question on Twitter or Youtube would be such a controversial and/or outright offensive thing to ask…
I got some pretty aggressive accusations and gnarly responses.
Apparently, I’m a “cholesterol denier” now…
Anyways, truth is that ‘technically’ high LDL-C, on its own, does NOT cause plaques to form- but…
There is room to say there’s much more too it.
I invite you to take a look at the mess I’ve created, see if you can follow along, and maybe shoot me any questions or observations (you know, the gut reaction kind- not the rampant poor grammar and miss-spellings I am so famous for…)
Here’s the page again:
Atherosclerosis - Plaque in Arteries
See you soon…
Be Good!